
Ely City Golf Course Ltd

Local Rules

Out of Bounds (Rule 18.2)

A Ball is out of bounds if it lies;

a) In or beyond any hedge, ditch, fence or line of white stakes and/or lines defining the course boundary.

b) The Clubhouse, car park and professional's shop as defined by kerbs, artificial surfaces and/or white stakes/lines.

c) The practice ground and greenkeeper's complex as defined by white stakes/lines.

d) The reservoir right of hole 10 as defined by white stakes/lines.

No Play Zones (Rules 16.1f)

The area defined by white lines/posts is a no play zone that is to be treated as an abnormal course condition. Free relief must be taken from interfernece by the no play zone under Rule 16.1f.

Penalty Areas (Rule 17)

If a player does not know wheather his or her ball is in the penalty area the player may play a provisional ball using any of the following relief options; stroke and distance, back on the line or if it is a red penalty area, the lateral relief option (Rule 17.1b).

Abnormal Course Conditions and Integral Objects (Rule 16.1)

Ground Under Repair (relief may be taken)

a) Areas enclosed by white lines and/or indicated by GUR signs.

Immovable Obstructions (relief may be taken)

b) All buildings and sheds on the course electricity poles or thier supporting stays, metal covers and the like, all roads and pathways, even if not articically surfaced, the winter teeing areas, and bridges are immovable obstructions.

c) Rubber matting laid for ground stabilization
d) Fixed course furniture
e) Safety fencing behind the 9th and 18th tees
f) Dropping zones

  • As an additional free relief option, for interference from the path left of the 6th green, the player may use the nearest DZ provided

All Dropping Zones are Relief Areas under Rule 14.3

No Play Zones (relief  must  be taken)

e)    Areas enclosed by white lines/small posts and/or indicated by NPZ signs

f)     Staked or otherwise supported young trees

g)    Newly turfed or newly seeded area

Wrong Green (Rule 13.1f) (relief must be taken) 

Any Temporary green (except when being used on the hole being played)
The Normal green on a hole when a temporary green is being used
Any Practice green

Ball Deflected by Power Line

If it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball hit an overhead power cable the stroke does not count. The player must play a ball without penalty from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6 for what to do).

E-4 Relief from Aeration Hole

If a player's ball lies in or touches an aeration hole in the general area, or on the putting green, relief may be taken under rule 16.1.

F-4 Relief from tyre tracks caused by the movement of vehicles

If a players ball lies in or on tyre/track marks caused by the movement of vehicles in the general area, relief may be taken under rule 16.1.

Preferred Lies (when in operation)

When a player's ball lies in a part of the general area cut to fairway height or less or identify a specific area such as 'on the fairway of the 6th hole', the player may prefer the lie within 6 inches.

Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule:

General Penalty under Rule 14.7a (Match Play – loss of hole; Stroke Play – 2 strokes)


Additional Local Rules

Model Local Rule E-9

E-9 Defining an Area of Out of Bounds as a No Play Zone

"The roped area alongside the 13th hole is out of bounds and is defined as a no play zone and the player must take relief under Rule 16.1f(2) if their ball is on the course and anything in the no play zone interferes with the player's area of intended stance or swing. The player must not play the ball as it lies.

Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a

Purpose of this local rule. Although a player may not play a ball from out of bounds, there may be areas that are out of bounds that the Committee may wish to designate as no play zones, for example, to stop players from standing on unsafe ground in that area when it interferes with the play of a ball on the course. In this case, a player must take free relief if the player's ball is on the course, but their area of intended stance is in the no play zone out of bounds or if their swing touches something that is in the no play zone.

Irrigation Works – Week commencing 16th September until further notice

Whilst our Irrigation works are taking place there will be several areas around the course that are to be treated as abnormal course conditions (Ground Under Repair). Golfers can take relief under rule 16.1 if the abnormal course condition interferes with a players area of intended stance or area of intended swing. Free relief can be taken by finding the nearest point of total relief (no nearer the hole) and then dropping your ball within one club length.

Also during this time relief can be taken from tracks caused by the movement of vehicles. Model local rule F-4 states that if a players ball lies in or on tyre/track marks caused by the movement of vehicles in the general area, relief may be taken under rule 16.1.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.